
Dentist Approved Holiday Treats

Posted on 12/04/2019
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The holidays offer a much-deserved opportunity for all of us to rest, reconnect with close family and loved ones, and of course, indulge in some of our favorite holiday delicacies - but unfortunately, many of the foods and treats we like to enjoy during the holidays can spell disaster for your teeth. The sugar and carbohydrates in many common holiday favorites contribute to cavities and dental decay, which can damage your smile and require expensive, inconvenient dental treatment. At Federici Dental, we're proud to help patients throughout Manahawkin, NJ and the surrounding areas maintain beautiful, healthy smiles through quality dental treatment, so we'd like to list a few holiday treats you can enjoy this season without putting your teeth in jeopardy. 

Holiday Treats That Are Safe for Your Teeth

Few things are as tantalizing as a slice of hot pecan pie - but hold that spoon, because you might be biting into more than you thought. The sugar in many holiday treats combines with bacteria in your mouth to create acids that erode tooth enamel and cause cavities. So this year, try opting from some of these healthier, dentist-approved holiday snacks:

  • Banana Softserve: Want a simple, creamy, and delicious alternative to sugary ice cream? Cut a few bananas into chunks, freeze them solid, then pop them into a food processor with a touch of honey. They'll blend into a delectably creamy ice cream substitute that everyone is sure to love!
  • Apples with Cheese: A pairing of thin-sliced apples and fine cheese is a staple at many holiday parties, and thanks to its low sugar and high calcium content, it's also one you can eat without fear of dental damage. 
  • Dark Chocolate: While too much sugar should be avoided, it's ok to indulge in sweets from time to time. Dark chocolate is a great dessert option that has a lower sugar content for a tooth-friendly treat. 
  • Grinch Grapes: For an eye-catching snack that's sweet without overdoing it, try piercing a grape, banana slice, strawberry, and tiny marshmallow in a row on a toothpick. Arranged in a row together, it resembles the green head of the Grinch wearing a Santa hat, making for an excellent holiday party treat!

Contact Your Manahawkin, NJ Family Dentist

We hope this list gives you some great ideas for how to enjoy the sweetness of the holidays without all the cavity-causing sugar, and if you're in need of more inspiration, we're always here to help. Contact us today to learn more about caring for your teeth over the holidays or to schedule an appointment at our office. We can't wait to hear from you, and we wish you a happy, tooth-friendly holiday season!