
How to Fix Snoring Problems

Posted on 06/04/2018
Woman unhappy as man snores in his sleep

Snoring is a common problem. So common, in fact, that sawing logs has become virtually synonymous with sleep - but there's a downside to this conflation. While snoring may affect many people, that doesn't mean it's not an issue. Snoring is one of the most telltale signs of sleep apnea, a dangerous condition that can cause a range of health problems and even prove fatal.

While sleep apnea should always be diagnosed and treated, mild snoring may be little more than a nuisance. At Federici Dental, we can help our patients diagnose their snoring problems and find out if they need sleep apnea treatment - with either an oral appliance or CPAP machine.

For very mild snoring, we've outlined some ways to reduce the nuisance, but we still recommend a consultation.

Simple Ways to Stop Snoring

If you've been getting complaints of sounding like a lawn mower while you sleep, you may need to get checked for sleep apnea - but here are a few easy fixes to try in the meantime:

  • Change Position: Certain sleep positions can cause the throat to close up, which vibrates the soft tissues in the throat and causes snoring. Switching positions, especially to your back, can help stop this and solve the problem.
  • Abstain from Alcohol: Alcohol acts like a sedative for the body, reducing the resting tension of the muscles. This minimizes the size of the airway and can cause snoring.
  • Open Up Your Nasal Passages: One unconventional fix is to keep your nasal passages more open. If the nasal passages are closed up due to a cold or blockage, it can cause air to race through them and the throat, vibrating the soft tissues and causing snoring. Taking a hot shower before bed or using a nasal breathing aid can provide some relief for the problem.
  • Hydrate: Hydration is all around good for the body, and it can also help prevent snoring. Secretions of the nose and throat can be stickier when you're dehydrated, so drinking plenty of water can help keep the throat clean and avoid snoring.
  • Maintain a Good Sleep Schedule: If you deprive yourself of sleep, you'll be overtired when you finally do hit the sack. This causes you to sleep 'extra hard,' which reduces the tension of the muscles of the throat and causes snoring. Maintaining a regular schedule of 8 hours a night prevents this and can help alleviate snoring.

Contact Your Manahawkin Dentist

Snoring may be only a minor nuisance - but for 75% of snorers, it's a sign of sleep apnea, a much more serious condition. Even if you snore only moderately, it's always a good idea to get tested for sleep apnea and seek treatment. Contact us today to learn more about sleep apnea symptoms, get a diagnosis, and find a sleep apnea treatment that fits with your lifestyle. We look forward to hearing from you.