

Root Canal Treatment in Manahawkin, NJ

At Federici Dental, our mission is simple: help patients throughout the greater Manahawkin, NJ area achieve complete oral health through comprehensive dental treatment. As a leading dental practice serving patients of all ages, we offer a variety of treatments ranging from preventive care and cosmetic dentistry to complex restorative dental care. While we strive to prevent dental problems wherever possible, sometimes they do happen. If dental decay progresses to the point of threatening a tooth, we can often heal it through endodontic treatment.

What Is Endodontics?

Endodontics refers to the arm of dentistry that focuses on the tissues and structures on the inside of the tooth: the enamel, dentin, and fleshy dental pulp that makeup teeth. The most common endodontic procedure is the root canal, which can save a tooth if a bacterial infection reaches the inner dental pulp. While root canals often get a bad rap, the truth is that they're a convenient, relatively painless procedure that prevents severe discomfort and can save a tooth that would otherwise be lost.

That said, root canals aren't the only treatment in endodontics. Endodontic treatment also encompasses treating dental trauma, performing microsurgeries on the tips of the tooth roots, and even treating sensitivity or intermittent tooth pain. At our practice, we're proud to offer comprehensive endodontic treatment to patients in Manahawkin.

What's Inside a Tooth?

From the outside, the teeth look like solid blocks of smooth, white bone - but there's more to teeth than meets the eye. Underneath the hard outer layer of enamel lies a sturdy inner tissue called dentin. Dentin is similar to bone tissue and makes up the majority of the tooth's structure, and it's composed of microscopic tubules that transmit sensations from the outside of the tooth to the inner dental pulp.

Inside the dentin at the core of the tooth, there are small, branching chambers called root canals. These canals are where the soft, fleshy dental pulp exists. Dental pulp is made up of nerves, connective tissues, and blood vessels that carry sensation, oxygen, and nutrients to and from the teeth. Normally, pulp is protected by the hard dentin and outer enamel, but if dental decay progresses long enough without treatment, it's possible for a bacterial infection to reach the dental pulp. Without treatment, the infection will eventually kill the pulp tissue, causing tooth loss and other serious problems down the line.

What Causes Root Canal Infections?

Dental pulp is normally protected by thick layers of hard, bone-like tissue. So what causes root canal infections? One of the most common causes is untreated tooth decay, which can let bacteria slowly eat through the enamel and dentin, eventually reaching the pulp. Another common cause is a crack or fracture in the tooth that provides a direct pathway to the pulp. Dental trauma and tooth injuries from sports or accidents can also cause fractures that expose the pulp. Finally, extensive, repeated dental procedures like having multiple fillings on the same tooth can weaken the tooth's integrity over time, potentially leading to endodontic problems.

Root Canal Treatment

If you've ever heard the phrase "I'd rather have a root canal," you're probably not too warm to the idea of a root canal procedure. But while root canals often get a bad rap, the truth is they're nothing to worry about. root canals are a routine, relatively minor procedure performed under local anesthetics, so there's no more discomfort than you'd expect from a filling. Even more importantly, root canals prevent serious damage and pain that come from an untreated infection.

If you're still wondering what to expect from a root canal procedure, here's a quick rundown of how most root canals go:

  • First, your Manahawkin dentist will administer a small shot of anesthesia (a numbing agent) in your gums at the site of the operation. For most patients, this is the most painful part of the procedure - after that small prick, you'll barely feel a thing.
  • Next, your dentist will use specialized instruments to make a small hole in the surface of the tooth, providing access to the root canals.
  • Your dentist will then use tiny instruments and a microscope to carefully remove and clean away bacteria and dead or dying tissue from the root canals.
  • After removing all damaged tissue, your dentist will clean and disinfect the area to eliminate any remaining bacteria, then fill the empty canals with a biocompatible material.
  • Finally, your dentist will seal the hole in the tooth with a filling to prevent contamination.

While root canals are the most common endodontic procedure, we may also recommend other treatments to remove and prevent any infections or other problems. After your endodontic procedure, we'll place a lifelike restoration like a dental crown to restore your tooth to its normal function and appearance. After your restoration is placed, your tooth is back to normal - and all you have to do is care for it just like you would a normal tooth!

Contact Your Manahawkin, NJ Dentist

Root canals and endodontic procedures are critical anytime an infection reaches the center of a tooth, and thanks to these procedures, we can save a tooth that would otherwise die and fall out. If you have more questions about endodontics or think you might be in need of a root canal or any other dental procedure, your Manahawkin dentists are ready to help. Contact us today to learn more about the treatments we offer and schedule a consultation at our office. We look forward to hearing from you!



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